Going to court.

Helping you through the court process.

Teens hero curve

What it’s like at court.

What happens at court?

The Court is different from other places you go to. Usually it is a place where people who have broken the law (rules) are taken to by the Police. 

The Court decides what will happen to someone who has broken the law.

Going to Court

This short video explains the process of going to court as a witness.

1 Where will I be?

A safe and secure room

There will usually be a safe and secure room for you when you come to court. You can hang out in that room and take along things to do and snacks.  

Who will be with me? 

You can have someone you know and trust wait with you in the room. You can bring a device, there is usually free wifi available.

2 Telling what happened in court.

First the people in the Court listen to all the people involved when someone broke the law.

If someone has broken the law by harming you, you might go to court to say what happened.

Usually, the video interview will be played to the people in the Court.

When you go to Court, you’ll have to answer questions about what you said in the video interview.

This is so the adults in the court can understand what happened.  

3 Who is in the court?

The people who ask questions are lawyers. The person in charge of the court is the Judge. Hover over or click a number to find out information about their role in court.

Image of people in the court, from the Judge to the Court Victim Advisor.


Ko e pule ‘o e loki fakamaau‘angá. Kapau ‘oku ‘ikai ke ‘i ai ha kau sula, ‘oku nau faitu‘utu‘uni leva pe ‘oku halaia ‘a e tokotaha faka‘iloá.


‘Okú ne tokoni ki he fakamaaú pea fakapapau‘i ‘oku muimui‘i ‘a e founga ngāue ‘a e fakamaau‘angá.

Tokotaha fakamo‘oní (ko koe, ‘i ha loki ‘e taha)

‘Okú ke ‘i ai ke fakamatala ‘a e mo‘oni fekau‘aki mo e me‘a na‘e hokó ki he tokotaha kotoa. ‘E ala ‘i ai foki mo ha kau fakamo‘oni kehe.

Tokotaha Tokoni ‘a e Fakamo‘oní

Ko ha tokotaha eni ‘okú ke ‘ilo ‘a ia te ne tokoni‘i koe lolotonga ‘a e ngāue ko ení. Lolotonga ‘a e mo‘ui ‘a e me‘afaitaá, ‘oku ‘ikai lava ke nau talanoa atu kiate koe.

Kau Sulá

Ko e kau sulá ko ha kakai ‘e toko 12 ‘oku nau faitu‘utu‘uni pe ‘oku halaia ‘a e tokotaha faka‘iloá. Ko ha kau sola kinautolu ‘oku ‘ikai ke nau ‘ilo ‘a e tokotaha faka‘iloá pe ko e kau fakamo‘oní.

Tokotaha Talatalaakí

Ko e loea ‘oku ngāue ma‘á e pule‘angá. ‘Oku nau ‘oatu ‘a e ngaahi fakamo‘oni ‘okú ne fakahaa‘i ‘a e hia na‘e hokó.

Loea Taukapó

Ko e loea ia ‘a e tokotaha faka‘iloá. Te nau ‘oatu ‘a e keisi ‘a e tokotaha faka‘iloá pea ‘eke atu ha ngaahi fehu‘i meía kinautolu.

Ko e Tokotaha Faka‘iloá pe Tokotaha Tukuaki‘í

Ko e tokotaha ‘oku tukuaki‘i ki he hiá.

‘Ōfisa Pilīsoné

Te ne nofo fakataha mo e tokotaha faka‘iloá lolotonga ‘enau ‘i he fakamaau‘angá.

Tokotaha Fakanofonofo ‘o e Fakamaau‘angá

Te ne ‘i he lokí fakataha mo koe lolotonga ‘okú ke tali ‘a e ngaahi fehu‘í ke fakapapau‘i ‘oku lele lelei ‘a e me‘a kotoa.

Tokotaha fale‘i ‘a e fakamaau‘angá ki he kau mamahí

‘Oku nau tokoni‘i koe ke ke mahino‘i ‘a e founga ngāue ‘a e fakamaau‘angá pea tali ha‘o ngaahi fehu‘i.

Vakai ki he lisi kakato 'o hai 'oku 'i he fakamaau'anga.

You won’t be able to see the person who has harmed you and they won’t be able to ask you questions themselves. 

‘Okú ke loto ke talanoa ki ha tokotaha? ‘Oku ta‘et
Safe to Talk
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